Monday, September 23, 2013

My weekend and the present reveal

Now that it is Monday and we have settled into our regular lives and out of fantasy-anniversary-no-kids-world hahaha!

Seriously though, we had a BLAST! We had such a packed weekend!

So in my previous post I had shown how I made my present, well we exchanged presents on Friday before we dropped the girls off at my mom's house. I have posted photos below of the finished products of my work and a photo of what Ryan made me (which was freaking sweet!)

I put both of these on here because my flash showed the color really well but it also has some shine that changed the look of it. Ya.... This thing is HUGE and he drew it by hand from a picture we took when we were dating many years ago... It was the first picture we had ever taken together and just to show how in-sync and perfect for each other we are, we took the picture with the intent to smile but then both (unannounced) decided to make a crazy, tongue-sticking out face instead LOL

Oh boy the concert was a hoot! It was raining when we got there so we brought our umbrellas like sensible people since the concert was outside. We go to scan our tickets and they tell us, well everyone, we can't bring in our umbrellas so we either needed to check them at coat check or take them back to our cars. The closest location was inside the casino (which was still pretty far into the casino) at coat check so Ryan ran them inside. We got about 10 people from the stage so we had a great place! There was a great opening act from Cincy called the DAAP Girls. I couldn't quite understand their lyrics because their instruments (keyboard, 2 guitars, bass, drums, sax and trumpet) were wayyyyy louder than their mic volumes but I will be looking them up this week to hear some of their stuff. Anywho, the rain slowed down and eventually stopped by the time those guys were done so I went into the porta-potty and rung my shirt out over the toilet and was dry again. Weezer finally came out on stage and after one song, it started to pour again... The harder/louder/faster the song, the more intense the rain.... We walked out of the venue when the concert was over DRENCHED from head to toe. Everyone walked into the casino to either get their umbrellas, gamble or get their car from valet. The line for the valet/coat check was super long and we were freezing cold. Luckily there was a Starbucks next to where we were in line so I stayed in line while Ryan got us some hot chocolate and cookies (those were an unrequested bonus!). By the time he got through the Starbucks line, I had just gotten our umbrellas and we got in our car and left. We stopped and got a movie on the way home and went to bed after the movie was done.

They are semi-crappy quality but I didn't want to bring my camera in once I found out it was pouring and would continue to do so all night. This was the best I could do in the pouring rain! We were so close :-)

Saturday, after we packed for the weekend and ate a little something, we went to a place called the Mad Potter in Mediera. What an awesome time that was! We painted a serving tray together and will be getting it back next week after it's been glazed and fired. Ryan was really excited when the lady that owns the place was very impressed with the platter because it is what she does for a living, so he knew he did well when she was floored by it lol we went for a nice lunch at Noodles & Co. in Kenwood (one of our favorite places) then headed up to Columbus. We were able to check into our hotel and be able to have time to change before going to the Columbus Crew Game. Ryan was excited that he was able to get us a free parking spot outside of the stadium (parking was $12!!). We also got there in time to get a FREE Crew drawstring bag, which was another bonus! It was Ryan's first Crew game and they WON! It was 3-0 versus the Chicago Fire :)

I love the panoramic shots! The first one was before the game started, when they were warming up. The second was at night during the game. I discovered that day that my phone could take panoramic shots, I got really excited!!


Woke up decently early (not intentionally) and got some breakfast at the Waffle House down the street from our hotel since our Continental Breakfast was VERY skim (there were like 3 muffins and coffee left... did I mention it was like 7:30am?!?!). We got ready for the day then went to the Easton Shopping Centre... That place was HUGE! We got a few things for the house and just had fun looking at all the different shops, some we have in Cincinnati, some we don't. Oh, and while we were out shopping that day, Elizabeth broke her pinky at my mom's house while riding a scooter. Luckily my mom and Micah are good at dealing with that stuff so we weren't panicking or anything... It wasn't a bad break, just at the base of her pinky. She has a splint on it now but will be going back to a hand specialist this week to probably be put in a cast or something. After we went shopping, we went back to the hotel to get ready for the show. We went to the Shadowbox Theater and saw Spamalot.... A show that Ryan has been wanting to see live for years. The unfortunate thing about their set-up was that we had to spend the night of our anniversary sitting with other people and we didn't even get first pick of the seats at the table so we were literally sitting on opposite sides of the table to be able to see and so the other people who were behind us could see (we had to turn our chairs around). Also, the people we got sat with ate with their mouths open... GROSS! Oh well, the show was hilarious and the food was delish (not many vegetarian options but the options we did have were good). We topped it off with a Shadowbox Mountain which was three brownies with three scoops of ice cream, a giant pile of whipped cream, warm chocolate and caramel sauces with a cherry on top... YUM!

This was the only shot I got on Sunday. I kept forgetting to take pictures. He is such a goofball!

Of course like goofs we forgot our top layer of our wedding cake at home so we will be eating that either this week or weekend at some point. It was an awesome weekend and we loved not even thinking about anything at home or having kids (except for the broken finger part or seeing something they would like while we were shopping). We left our cares two hours away for thee whole days! It was so nice to be able to focus on Ryan and our love instead of the million things we always have going on for a while. We also loved Columbus and pondered the many things we could do and where we could live if I were to get accepted to OSU for law school... I loved it!

The girls were really excited to see us when we picked them up! They kept screaming "I can't believe you've been married for a whole year!!" haha they're cute :)

I had been so relaxed that I had almost forgotten that I had class this evening. That is a good thing I guess. Ryan of course didn't forget he had work... He got a lovely reminder call when Kev called to tell him there was a bunch of crap that happened while he was gone. Ryan is such a trooper but I know that he has such better, less stressful things coming in his near future!!

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