Sunday, September 29, 2013

Produce Delivery in Cincinnati

So the hubby and I have been really into eating totally organic, whole foods that are super healthy without all of the processed stuff... Or well starting to at least. We still have some stuff in the pantry we are purging out by eating it (don't judge lol). We aren't going totally radical and leaving out our occasional snacks of chips or ice cream but we're really trying to change the way we eat. I don't know how any of you do things but if you have ever gone into a regular grocery store (Kroger, Aldi, Meijer, etc) you will know produce is expensive... Now tack on the word organic and you get the price doubled. Same goes for your Whole Foods or Trader Joe's. We live very comfortably but we do not have it in our budget to purchase all organic, natural foods like we would love to right now. So we're starting slow lol the way we figured would be the best is to start with our fruits and veges, as vegetarians those are the foods we eat the most... Plus they are the healthiest anyways.

I read about Bountiful Baskets here and have been looking for a company or co-op that does what they do since I will not drive to Louisville or Lexington, KY just to pick up some fruits or veggies... That's two hours away and by the time I were to drive there, I might as well have just driven to my grocery store and bought the stuff myself lol I have scoured the earth (well really just Google) for a place like Bountiful Basket in my area since unfortunately they do not do my area of Cincinnati, OH. I wanted to let you know I have FINALLY (you may be puzzled at why I capitalized finally as to add emphasis as if I have mentioned it a lot before, I haven't on here but if you ask the Mr., he will agree I have been beating it to death) found one in my area.

Where I Found Them:
So Friday mid-afternoon as the hubby and I were getting ready to go out on a company outing for some competition racing, he got a call that he needed to get to the office for a meeting with a new client they had at the new Mercedes-Benz Dealership. The racing was about an hour away from the house and only 25-30 from the office so we had planned on driving together to save gas. Well we dropped the girls off with my brothers for the evening and left early. I waited at the office and just did some work on a case that I had been handed earlier for my internship while I waited for him to return from the meeting. He works in a smaller building suite where the two owners (a father and son) have an office there... It's a very family oriented company that we love! The owner of the company's daughter had this place deliver her order to the office. (Yes, I said it, they deliver!) I heard a few grumbles about her order being delivered there and that she will need to come pick it up because they won't be home late because of the racing and dinner. I looked out the window and what do I see? I see a delivery truck for this place and since it was fresh in my mind I got nosy and asked his wife (the receptionist) a few questions that she gladly answered the best she could. I was super motivated to look into it more because their daughter is like the epitome of physical health, strength and wellness (did I mention she is in her mid to late-30's, looks barely 30 and runs marathons and does triathlons?!)... Something I would love to be! I know that story was a little long but as you can see it tied in with it... Plus I talk a lot meaning I type out a lot because it is what is on my brain lol

About the Company:
The place is called Green B.E.A.N. Delivery. For $35 you can get a small bin of fruits and veggies delivered to your door once a week or bi-monthly. The price goes up by $7 for each size, $42 for a medium and $49 for a large, respectively. They do all organic, mostly locally grown produce (as long as they are in season in your area). If it is not local, they will tell you where it is coming from. They also have a HUGE selection of local milk, eggs, cheese, bread, vegetarian foods, cookies, crackers, cupcakes, meats, beans, spices, sauces, dressings... Pretty much anything local and/or organic that you can have added onto your order for an additional charge as well. When you sign up you have to make a standing order, which is basically a default order of what you want. You have to cancel your order or make changes to the items in your order by Monday at noon the week your order is supposed to arrive.  They will send you an e-mail reminder that your order is going to be delivered that week and give you a link to your account so you can change it. Green B.E.A.N. allows you to change what comes in your bin, so if you don't like beets or broccoli or pineapples or whatever, you can choose from a long list of produce available and change the order to your liking. You can also add various things each time your order so you can have the same things each order or switch it up if you want. You do not have to be home to get the order, they will leave the bin in front of your door in a shaded area (if available). The bin they put the items in is insulated and has reflective material in it to keep it cool, they also put plenty of ice packs inside to keep your order fresh and in good condition. The bin, liner and ice packs need to be put on your porch for pick-up when you get your next delivery in order to prevent being charged for the items.

As if I didn't explain how awesome this place is already, I have another point. I am all about service and giving, I love being the Lord's hands and feet to bless those in need around me. Well when you return your bins, you have the opportunity to put non-perishable food items in your bins and they will deliver them to the local food pantry in your area. They also in the past couple years have matched the amount of canned foods people have donated in November and December with pounds of produce to local food banks and pantries. I love that they do this! They have also teamed up with a place in my county and have provided over 50 families with the blessing of fresh produce when they would normally have not had the chance to have good nutrition or fresh produce due to circumstances. They are constantly giving back and donating ten-fold to the communities they deliver to! What a blessing that is!!

Another perk to this company is their customer service that everyone has raved about. I have not had any experience with it yet but everyone has said they are great. If there is a product missing or not of good quality (which out of the 40+ reviews I've read, has only happened to 2 people one time) they will either deliver the item if it is a feasible thing or credit your next order for the item(s) if you contact them by the next day. That is fantastic... I couldn't tell you how many times I have gone to the grocery store and I didn't look closely enough or it was on it's last leg and my produce has gone bad the next day but the grocery store won't do anything about it. I'm glad they will do something and be nice about it too!! (side note: we found some veggie burgers in the vegetarian/organic section of Kroger the other day while picking up some Tofurkey and all four patties were covered in mold, Ryan took it to the customer service desk and all they said was "Well you can go pick out another one, you didn't have to get one covered in mold."... All he did was bring it to their attention and told them it might be wise to check the rest of the burgers before someone else discovers them too. We also walked over to the produce section to pick out some peaches and plums for lunch the next day when we went to build furniture here and they had gnats and flies all over their stuff... Lack of care for quality by the big guys).

All in all, my review of them is great. I will let you know if I was able to get my order in and receive it this week, I'm excited to see what my bin will contain and how I will be able to use all of our delicious goodies in some new recipes this week!!

Note: I am only giving an honest review of what I have experienced so far. I have not been lucky enough to receive a free sample bin from them that give out to big time bloggers or to be paid to review them at all. I do not make money off of this blog for anything. I have done thorough research and have signed up for my own account.

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